performance at Mutter curated by Kit Poulson
BIAD, Birmingham
21st April 2008
Hear Here curated by Crowd6, Birmingham
18th April 2008
rowebot_girl: What should I do? from web.
christ rowe bin: @rowebot_girl: please take the _ out of your name. from web in reply to rowebot_girl.
rowebot_girl: @christ rowe bin: @robot jurl: That name has been taken. Please choooose another. from web in reply to christ rowe bin.
rowebot_girl: @christ rowe bin: @rrobot jurl: minor adjustments. 6 months ago from web . from web in reply to christ rowe bin.
lessthan3robots: @rowebot_girl: Dance! from web in reply to rowebot_girl.
rowebot_girl: @lessthan3robots: @dance: I AM FREEKING OUT. MOTHERS AR LIARS. FRIENDS ARE INACCESSIBLE. LOVERS ARE DENIED. from web.
rowebot_girl: @lessthan3rowebots: @dance: But I’m not complaining. greater than underscore underscore underscore greater than!!! about 1 year ago from web. from web.
christ rowe bin: @rowebot_girl: please change your uvatar. from web in reply to rowebot_girl.
rowebot_girl: @christ rowe bin: I’ve changed myself for you . from web in reply to christ rowe bin.
Juni obot: d rowebot_girl: cool nickname !!!
rowebot_girl: d Juni robot: You’ve got a cool nickname too!
rowebot_girl: What should I say? from web.
rowebot_girl: I’m fa-lowing rowebots, an droy eids, cyborgs or pu peights. Why are you fa-lowing me? from web.
missmaartini: @rowebot_girl: because I fa-low rowebots. from web in reply to rowebot_girl
rowebot_girl: @missmaartini: Great! Do you have any advice for me? from web in reply to missmaartini
An droy ed 8675: Hi rowebot_Girl! I’m fa-lowing you becouse you’re fa-lowing me! from web
rowebot_girl: @An droy ed 8675: I wonder where wer going, round in circles? smillie from web in reply to Android8675.
Aah_rowebot: @rowebot_girl: Good Qu-estion . from web in reply to rowebot_girl
rowebot_girl: @Aah_rowebot: Of course, Qu-estions are a beer den to others. Answers are a prison for oneself . from web in reply to Aah_rowebot.
cybercha-ar: Welcome @last inthee music, @ro-bot jurl, and @rye se ro nee! from
rowebot_girl: @cybercha-ar: thank you, what should I do now I’m here? from web in reply to cyberczar.
rowebot_girl: What should I become? from web.
rowebot_girl: @become: Haven’t updated yet! @becoming: Haven’t updated yet! from web.
rowebot_girl: Did we communicate? Did we connect? Did you care? from web.
rowebot_girl: @communicate: That page doesn’t exist! @connect: Haven’t updated yet! @care: Haven’t updated yet! from web.